septictank biotech,septic tank,septictank biofil,biosafe,stp biotech PT. BIOTECH WATER ENGINEERING - septic tank biotech,septic tank modern,septic tank biofil : STP BIOSAFE


PT. Biotech Water Engineering has implemented all the necessary procedures for Quality Assurance with respect to design, procurement, manufacturing, testing and installation of the complete systems. Quality Assurance is implemented in the Project Engineering Group starting from the receipt of the enquiry through to the preparation of the offer and continuing onwards into the project execution and commissioning of the system. Quality Assurance covers all important aspects including quality and safety.
Project documentation is of utmost importance and we strive to ensure that sufficient documentation is provided to meet the needs of both our customer as well as ourselves.  Our capability for generating proper documentation is extensive.  Below is an example of the types of documentation that we are able to provide.  As projects vary considerably, we review the nature of each project to determine the most suitable documentation package to provide for that project. 
 PT. Biotech Water Engineering offers creatively engineered integrated solutions that are optimised in terms of process design and all other disciplines of engineering so as to achieve savings in capital and operating cost. We strongly believe in on-the-spot field investigation and consultation.  This ensures a thorough understanding of our customer’s requirements and concerns.  With this approach, our customers are assured of receiving innovative designs that provide economic value.
Our engineers will be on hand to provide assistance to our customers after the system is installed.  Training will be provided by our engineers to our customer’s selected operating staffs to further ensure that the system is properly and efficiently utilised.  Our engineers and technicians are trained to respond quickly and efficiently to customer service requests for maintenance and troubleshooting of systems.  We also maintain an adequate inventory of spare parts and supplies to complement and support our commitment to provide quality and reliable after-sales services.  Through our services, we can ensure a longer life span for our customers’ equipment and systems, and continued performance at their optimal level.

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